Far too often we walk in fear and doubt. Carrying all of the negative “What if’s?”. We focus too hard on what went wrong in the past, counting them up as failures when in fact these are lessons to learn from.

Your perspective is everything. When we look for all the blemishes we will find them. We don’t allow ourselves to enjoy all the things that are great because we are so fixated on making things perfect. We always hear, that nothing in this world is perfect but I beg to differ. What is perfect for or to me may not be for or to you, and visa-versa. Perfection is what we deem it to be. I am sure that we have all had that moment or outfit that we just knew it was perfect, but someone else had their opinion and thought just the opposite. Key words THEIR OPINION. We must stop being so dependent on what other people’s opinions are of us or our projects. If we have prayed and The Lord said yes, then why are we looking for others to validate us.

When you start to doubt yourself remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are the head and not the tail, we are above and not beneath. We determine what and who we are, by our thinking. We are what we think. When we think we are not enough, we walk in that. When we think we are great, we walk in that. We can always tell how a person thinks of themselves by the way they carry themselves. I encourage you today, to walk bold in your royalty! To never forget that you were made in the image of God. That although you may look, speak, move, and be different than others, IT IS OK!! Your uniqueness is what makes you great!

So, take those “What if’s” and look at them in a positive aspect. What if you step out? You could change the world!

Hold your head high and be the Kings and Queens that you were born to be.  

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