
Balance. Without it we can drive ourselves crazy. Without it we get less done, something is going to lack. It is so important to make sure that we maintain balance in our lives. We often hear of the work-life balance, while that is good it is much deeper than that. Now with so many having a full-time career, being an entrepreneur, and taking care of the family we find ourselves on go all the time. Even when we are trying to sleep, our minds are still racing. Trying to figure out the next move. We end up on overload, burned out, and exhausted until our bodies and brains just shut down.

It is important for us to find our rhythm and stick to it. The key word in that sentence is OUR. When we try to follow the beat of someone else’s drum we find ourselves off beat and out of rhythm with what we should be doing, where we should be going. Seek out what works for you and stick to that. It is great to surround yourself with people that are like-minded and moving in the same direction of success as you are, they can provide you with great advice and even give you a blueprint on what works for them. Take it and tweak it to what best fits you. So many find themselves in depressed states or not appreciating what they have in front of them because they are comparing their life to someone else’s. We must be careful when doing this. We do not know what it took for them to get to where they are and if we are only seeing their life on a screen or a social media feed, we are only seeing what they want us to see. They are most likely leaving out all the dysfunctional parts.  

Set a schedule. Some people use the method of giving each task a certain time limit, others write down the tasks in order of priority and complete each one until finished. I find myself using a mixture of both, it depends on both the task itself and how many tasks I have for that day. Be mindful not to overpack your schedule. Putting too many tasks can cause too much pressure which can lead to a shut down. Leave room for change and please do not forget to add time for yourself. If something does not get done do not beat yourself up. Adjust and keep moving forward.

Having clear boundaries will eliminate wasted time and energy. Boundaries are not just to be set for other people not to cross but, they are for us as well. When we put the line in the sand of where we will not go and what we will not do, we no longer have to even entertain it. It frees up time and space for us to focus on the things that are important to keep us moving forward.

My hope is that you will take a step back to see the big picture, assess it and adjust as needed. It may be a matter of eliminating some things or simply moving some things around. Whatever it may be, just do it. We need the gift that you hold to be released at its full potential.

If you need help in finding your balance, contact me and let’s chat about it. I would love the opportunity to work with you. Email me to set up a free 20-minute consultation.   

Angila Curvey-ChukwuComment